Field trip to O Park1


To learn more about the food waste treatment process in Hong Kong, a group of students had a visit in O park1 on 9 November 2022. O Park1 is the first organic resources recovery center in Hong Kong, which adopts anaerobic digestion technology to convert food waste into biogas (a source of renewable energy similar to natural gas) for electricity generation whilst the residues from the process can be produced as compost for landscaping and agriculture use.

O Park1 is capable of handling 200 tonnes of food waste per day, and about 14 million kWh of electricity can be exported to the grid per year, which is equivalent to the power consumption by some 3,000 households.

With interesting visual design, animation and detailed explanation by the O Park1 staff, students were able to witness the operations of the facility and understand the importance of turning waste into resources.


Field Trip to O Park
Field Trip to O Park
Field Trip to O Park
Field Trip to O Park